The Philosophy of Life- Dear Generation Z

Entry date:14th May 2017

 Wait, wasn't this a blog for, rants and stuff? Surely not Philosophy 101? Maybe, but this had to be done.

 If you're born in or after the mid-90s to the early 2000s chances are you belong to Generation Z. And as privileged as I am to be a part of this, I can't help but feel a bit out of place. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to start droning on and on about how "ill-mannered, uncouth youth" of today are constantly tapping away on their handheld (which is NOT because I'm often accused of it too), but because, well, every generation has some of its inherent downfalls.

Let's address the elephant in the room- we are, what most older generation(s) would call the 'Snowflake Generation', or at least they should.**
The young adults of our generation, who are led to believe that they are, in fact talented, always right and very different.
As Chuck Palahniuk said in Fight Club (one of the best movies ever made, in my opinion) "You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake . you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else." As depressing and harsh it sounds, bear in mind it applies to a person in general who has a false sense of accomplishment, not to the actual adept, proficient and hardworking youth .

Like snowflakes, we are supposedly unique, but not the least-bit resilient or or actually useful, but way up in our own head. And we simply cannot take anything against our whims and fancies.
What went wrong? One could blame the parents of Generation X (those born in the 60s to the 80s)
India is not alone in this problem. In fact, most of the western countries are fore runners of this travesty.

The issue started when the Generation X adults, they had to work hard in order to earn their bread, and theirs was a time when the whole "acceptance" trend wasn't in place, so naturally everyone was bound to the social customs and practices. Maybe the whole system wasn't ideal as such, but it wasn't the ridiculous joke as it is today.

I'll give you my defense : In the USA, at the moment, the teens are screaming for acceptance. Over what? Race? Culture? LGBTQ? Nope, GENDER. And no, not the women discrimination type, but the one where they claim there exists 100+ genders. Not even talking about non-binary or genderfluid, but "genders" like "attack helicopter". Honestly, what even is going on? It's almost like if you aren't talented at anything, you make up some deformity of your own and say its not fair on our part to not accept it. And this has been going on for a while.

Let's talk about 'social' media. The so-called media, is nothing but an illusion. Where we post our irrelevant stuff on irrelevant sites somehow hoping it will make up for the emptiness that is our life.

There used to be an age where people worked hard, earned a name by actually persevering to meet the standards, not YELL and ACCUSE the system until they bring down the standards themselves. Where we didn't hurt so easily. Where we persevered to intelligence of belittling it. Where we were proud of our achievements and not made-up problems and scream for attention. When we knew our self-worth and strived to increase it. Where, we were, not so GODDAMN complacent. Where we cared about things in its real sense instead of the delusional world that we live in.
Our education system is a joke? You only have yourself to blame.

So, dear "Generation Z",
I ask to myself and I ask you this,
Are you content with the name we have upon us? Are you aware of the fate that awaits you? Are you aware that it actually might be YOU, who's wrong and not them? Are you willing to make that change? Are you aware of the competitive world out there and know that its not as easy as it seems?

Do you realize that its your future at stake? In a few years, there won't be a global leader from generation X or Y. Its up to us, the millennials, our fate. Cross that threshold. Walk that green mile. Step out and look around. We have but ONE world. Don't destroy what we've built over such a long time. We are the future. But neither I, nor do a lot of people like what's in it. Make it count.

The alphabets may run out after Z, but we must survive. Educate yourself. And as cheesy as this sounds, shoot for the stars, you might be a different person after all. People aren't born special. Remember those quotes that you're taught at a very young age? About success and uniqueness?
They're so that you understand. Understand and prepare for what's coming. Make yourself a better person. Don't be a consumer slave! Think, for the love of God, think! Put those brains of yours to some use! Claim your humanity, or you'll be a statistic

A kid who wishes he had an opportunity to live a life in the real world  

**Note that when I speak for our generation, I'm referring to the majority, so not necessarily your "multi-faceted self" or many of those that I know of.


  1. First, I'm really surprised there aren't more comments here. Cuz it sure as hell is you 'magnum opus'. The plea for a change by the end of it is chilling and the entirety of this write is thought-provoking. But I guess you were aiming for that exactly.

    Few things I'd like to point out...
    1) We haven't thoroughly gone through the Gender (with a capital G) issue yet. Though its true that humans as a species cannot be put into boxes of males and females. Biological sexes, maybe, but even is sometimes more complicated than two opposites. I still stand firm with the belief that there is this whole range of people in between the two extremes that are male and female and even some outside the scale, when it comes to gender. Of course, all those labels like, Pangender, and Agender, and Genderfluid and whatnot are rather unnecessary. But we can surely let them have it because much like good old Celtic demons, names and words give us a sense of belonging. But let's make two points clear here, the discrimination against non-cisgender folk is still prevalent on mass. And dysphoria is a thing. So calling out these people for their apparent bullshit may not be as thought out as you think it is.
    Where I agree with you on this issue is that the outrage against it and the divides it has been creating and all the attention craving public thriving on it is definitely a negative.

    "Social media is an illusion..." (Or something along the lines)
    Social media is a worldwide platform, which obviously makes it a very, very dangerous tool. But really it's impact could go both ways. I can tell you from experience that homo/biphobia in India teenagers has gone down considerably due social media. But so has the SJWism, which sucks.
    Also, "where people post irrelevant stuff on irrelevant sites to fill in the void that is their life" (or wva that was) Was this meant to be ironic or you didn't notice the hypocrisy of your own statement? (Too blunt? )

    3) I see why you'd think that the people before us were the better generation. I'll give you my theory on why there have many many more revolutionaries back then.
    As we keep going back in time, you'll notice the rigidness and narrow-mindedness of human brain. Eg: so when the masses agreed that white was the superior race, that one person with freedom in his thought stood up against it. Though the fact remains that until then the masses were rigid and narrow-mindedness.
    But Generation Z has taken lessons from the history and we already know that white is not the superior race and thus we don't know even need those revolutionaries because open-mindedness has become a trend. And even though we know following trends is not that great of an accomplishment in itself, it's still better than thinking that whites are the superior race or that women belong in the kitchen and not in politics or that homosexuals should be beheaded or that sati is any way acceptable.

    We've got a lot more scope at having a better world less lines, les hate and more science, more understanding. Except we're too lazy to be original about it.

    4) the end reminded me of one of those Wagha Border national anthems. It fills you with a rush of pride and energy and you're all ready to do the right thing now. But it doesn't give any directions as to what is to be done. So, author? I completely agree with you, and I'm backing you on this one, and am totally ready to do something.... What should I do?

  2. Agree with you 100%. The system is going to the dogs.



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